Writing, Ramblings

A Witch in Isenshire News

I wrote the first draft of A Witch in Isenshire in 2020 during a 30 day writing challenge and shelved it for a bit to work on other projects and to give me space after a lengthy writing sprint.

Life happened, as it often does: the full-time job, pandemic, and many other stressors. But, over the proceeding years, I made my revisions and edits, and thanks to betas and my editor, it’s finally ready. I’m so pleased with how AWII came out, with the patience I gave myself to not rush it (and did I ever lose patience with myself, working on three books at once at one point!) And I’m just really grateful to delve deeper into the lives of Magnolia and Basil. I hope you all are, too! My thanks to all of you who’ve shared your love for Witch in the Lighthouse. 🥰

I am now accepting ARC* readers for A Witch in Isenshire (The Witch of Emelle #2). 🤩 I’m SO excited!

What is an ARC*? You may be asking. It’s an Advanced Reader Copy, released before the official publication of a book. The intention is to garner interest and buzz around a title before and leading up to the release. Sort of like a street team!

For readers interested in acquiring an electronic ARC, I’ve written up an application to help gather readers interested in this sequel with the intention to leave an honest, unbiased review around publication time.

The ARC application is LIVE and you can find it here!

I will be doing a cover reveal mid-July. If you would like to take part in the cover reveal only, please contact me. I’ll be making posts on social media to gather interested parties, however, if you’re interested in the ARC, there is an option to sign up for the cover reveal there, too.

Here is the official synopsis for A Witch in Isenshire:

A Witch in Isenshire is a bold cup of coffee made with determination, personal growth, and adventure.

Magnolia Hanna never thought she’d forgive Basil Olivander, the witch who inadvertently upended so many lives in Lightview. Yet four months after their battle, Basil’s learning to deal with his heartache and make amends. He’s become Maggie’s roommate, her technomancy teacher, and—just maybe—her friend. Now, they’re packing for a trip to visit Maggie’s family in the hidden hamlet of Emelle. 

Maggie and Basil face their grief together, finding closure at her late uncle’s grave and comfort among her friends and family. If it were up to her, she would stay for a fortnight, but their trip is cut short at the behest of Lightview’s mayor, who sends the two witches on an adventure of a lifetime—to the advanced city of Isenshire, the birthplace of the automaton. 

To Maggie’s dismay, Isenshire’s witches can only use magic with a permit, and their jobs have been reduced to fortune telling and parlor tricks. Magnolia’s fear of her skills being replaced by tech is reignited tenfold. Are the witches in Isenshire truly happy, or are they complacent to the powers that be? Magnolia’s only wish is to make magic relevant again, but she soon finds that the power of the automaton is too awesome to ignore. 

Book Two in The Witch of Emelle Series

You can add A Witch in Isenshire to your TBR on Goodreads right now! Click here.
You can follow me there as well as on Amazon to get alerts as soon as books become available.

The plan is to release the book in mid-September. I’ll be putting up pre-orders for the eBook after the cover is revealed. I’d love to have your support!

And that’s that! Are you as excited as I am? Leave a comment to let me know. A like and a share can also go a long way! I’ll be sharing the news all over social media and it would be a dream if you all joined me.

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