Ramblings, Writing

Witch in the Lighthouse Surprise

About two weeks ago, I mentioned some exciting news during the new cover reveal of Witch in the Lighthouse (and the audiobook adaptation!) that I wasn’t quite ready to share yet. But the time has come! And I’m still so excited!

Briar Crawford is an author and artist from Canada who is extremely skilled and creative, and a good friend of mine. Most of you have probably already seen, but for Christmas, she commissioned me an amazing rendition of Magnolia Hanna from WIL!

Maggie is seen here atop her broom as the sun sets behind her iconic lighthouse and home. Waves gently crash against the cliff, and the image puts you at ease.

So happy with the results, I had to get Basil done, too, and the art came in quickly! 🥰 You’re all the first to see it. I hope you enjoy him as much as I do.

So broody! So sad! Basil looks wistfully at the lighthouse in the dark, terrible memories resurfacing, his hopes shattered by his own hands. I just love the magnolia tree in the background and the wildflowers, such a contrast against the looming storm. And Basil’s expression! My heart. He holds his polestick broom over his shoulder and darns all black, as is a common witch custom.

Briar will undergo hand surgery next month and will be unavailable for commissions for a bit, but be sure to bookmark her page and follow her on Mastodon/Tumblr/Discord. You can find all her links here. And her commission page is here! Please give her all the support! 🥰

What do you think of these pieces? Do Maggie and Basil look like you imagined? I love them so much. 🥺 💕 Let me know in the comments! As always, I’d love it if you gave me a like & a follow. Give one to Briar as well! 🙂

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